Secrets of the Faeries
Faery Baby Blessingways
Because Every Faery Mother
Deserves the Faery Best!
"Faery Faeth did such a faery fantastic job creating a special, custom-designed Faery Baby Blessingway for my son’s wife. She put together a beautiful interactive ceremony- that included the 5 elements, faery mists, created faery baby blessings and well wishes for the mother and baby, which we infused into a crystal necklace to be worn by the mother at birth. Faery Faeth even made up and sang a faery birth song! Faery Faeth even gave everyone a candle to light when my daughter-in-law started labor. So beautiful! I highly recommend her!" - Sandy Messori, Rivendell Aromatics
Each 2 hour Faery Blessingway Includes:
FAERY BLESSINGWAY BIRTH CIRCLE: Invocation of the 5 Directions, Sage Cleansing, Introductions and Appreciations, Traditional Birthing Songs w/a Faery Twist, Faery and Unicorn Oracle Cards, and Faery Dust Wishes w/Eco Faery Dust
FAERY BLESSINGWAY CEREMONY: Includes the Incorporation of the Five Faery Elements and Faery Birthing Poems related to each element:
Water- Cleansing and Clearing Floral Footbath: The Bathing of the Mother's Feet in Faery Rose, Lavender and Chammomile Petals and Essential Oils, symbolizing the washing away of the old in preparation for all the new.
Fire Candles: Each participant will let go of old birthing trauma, beliefs or ideas about their own birthing process, or that of birthing process in general. Each participant will receive then receive a candle to take home and light when the Mother-To-Be goes into birth, representing that we are with her in Spirit, surrounding her and all that surrounds the birthing process with our love, light, protection and the transformational abilities of fire.
Earth- Faery Crystal Bead Blessing: Each Participant will choose and infuse a faery blessing of protection, strength and health into a crystal bead, which the mother will wear at birth, symbolizing the strength, protection and love of her family, friends and the magical earth energies that exist to ground, heal, and protect the birth mother and her baby during the birthing process.
Air- Organic Essential Oil Calming Faery Birthing Mist to be used at the time of birth; Each participant infuses Birthing Mist with a Faery Birth Blessing for the Birth Mother, which is to be sprayed upon her at birth.
Faery Blessingway Closing Circle: Includes Closing Birth Poem, Closing Birth Songs, and Blessings to the Birth Mother.
Faery Baby Blessingway Add-Ons:
** Faery Floral Crowns- $20 p/person
** Faery Postpartum Organic Healing Tea for New Mamas- $10